7th EuroGeo Conference – Engineering a better tomorrow
Supporting the projects – Reshaping the world
Palace of Culture and Science (Pałac Kultury i Nauki) in Warsaw | The Enka®Solutions team of Freudenberg Performance Materials will be presenting a range of leading solutions for the civil engineering & construction markets during the expert talks.
Enka®Solutions is a brand of high-performance geosynthetics by Freudenberg. Thanks to its wide range of applications, Enka®Solutions efficiently answer challenges for erosion control, drainage, soil reinforcement, sound control, and more. Our experienced specialists throughout the world will quickly understand the needs of your projects and can advise on the best solutions.
Meet your experts
Tuesday Sept 6, 14.00–15.30, Session 11 | Landfills and Mining
Alain Hérault, Application Manager Civil Engineering,
is our expert in the field of drainage and waste landfills application and has been with the team for 22 years. He is an experienced civil engineer with a total background of 31 years in geosynthetics and specializes in technical assistance and project specific designs for drainage, veneer reinforcement and soil reinforcement. Alain Hérault is member of the French delegation in the ISO TC 221 & CEN TC 189 standardization committees. He has recently co-authored the User Guide of Design Standards for Geosynthetics in Landfills.The guide covers topics such as bottom & side slope applications as well as capping layers including veneer soil gripping over the slopes. It includes design parameters to help designers & landfill owners as well as specifications to help establish relevant requirements in the tender phase.
More about landfill solutions
Tuesday Sept 6, 14.00–15.30, Session 9 | Filtration and Drainage
Tamás Szatmári, Head of Application Management Civil Engineering,
is our expert in the field of reinforcement and stabilization with geosynthetics and has been with the Enka®Solutions team for 6 years. He is an experienced civil engineer designing with geosynthetics in infrastructural projects, reinforced walls and road / railway substructures.
More about EnkaBreakThe experts of Freudenberg Performance Materials are looking forward to meeting you at the event to discuss your project requirements. If you are unable to attend the event, you can get in touch with our experts here